Thursday, 24 September 2009


The excitement has only JUST kicked in :D Squee! Tis gonna be awesome, and cool, and sexy, and fun, and ABSOLUTLY ONE OF THE BEST DAYS EVARR!!
Imma take a load of pics.
We have a banner that says
'Everybody knows theres a party in your PANTS!!'

You probs only get that if you're an All Time Low fan :P Hehe

Me and Jamie hit a rocky patch the other day. We broke up, and at dinnertime I kinda had a mental break-down, and started whacking my lunch box and then just collapsed in tears. I kinda scared one of my best friends Charlie. But she was so great :) Thanks again Charlinator!

I guess it's just stress. Year 11 is soo tiring, and I'm getting Homework left right and friggin' centre!! But I THINK I'm on top of it now. Hopefully. And it also makes you really tired! I get home and just wanna sleep, so when I see him I'm always in a crabby mood, and so is he cos we're both exhausted! Ugh. School = Boooo! (Charlie, I blame you for the 'Boooo' there :P)

Plus imma girl, and we're always moody.


Did I just say lulz? Rofl.

I'm on the Prom committee! I've got prom fever! Woohoo!!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

There's always something in my eye...

It's true! :(

I'm ill, I think I've caught man-flu off of Jamie :/ that is, if girls can GET man-flu, which I'm sure we can cos it's basically just over exagerrated flu... but it isn't swine flu!! I've been told that many times today..

Me: I'm ill, I think I have the flu
Person 1: Is it SWINNNEEE flu?
Me: No..
Person 2: You sure?? SWWIINNEE FLUUU is pretty contagious
Me: I'm sure
Person 3: You positive, SWWINNE FL..

... Yeah... is it me, or do people always REALLY pronounce swine flu and drag it out? What, does that make you immune now or something??

Nine days till the ATL concert and we finally have transport sorted! Yaay!

Soo yesterday I did the first part of one of my Drama workshops, which will go towards my GCSE at the end of it. It went pretty well and I came up with some good work :) I'm okay at drama really, I got over the whole 'infront of Jamie' thing, because I just thought 'No, this is your future' and kinda snapped out of it. I have the second half tomorrow! Wish me luck! :D

God, it's only when I sit down to actually write a blog that I realise my life is pretty boring! Haha, oh well.

G'night all! (all being no one :P)
Beth xx

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Boredom is awful


There's nothing to do in this stupid house! I would go out, but I'm tired and no ones out. Jamie is but he's with his friends. He wants to be just them.. pissed me off tbh, even though I go out just me and my friends all the time. But I'm not in a good mood to start with anyway.

Charlie is back from Camberidge tonight. She's a good friend of mine, and she went on a trip there with school. Anyway, she has a blog, might give me something to read!


School is still going good. I'm much more focused because I know it's my final year and my final exams are coming up. To be honest, I wished I realised that last year :/ I got a D in my last Science exam. One mark off of a C. I daren't tell my parents. I'm scared they won't be proud :/ My dad doesn't like it when I get a B! But it WAS a hard exam, my friend Natalie (who is much better than me at Science) got a D too. So there! I'm not stupid! Lol.

I have nothing to do for the rest of the night ... :/
I'll just keep thinking of things to blog about.

I can't think.

I hate bordom. It's been half an hour.. is that all? That's pathetic...


Tuesday, 8 September 2009

School blah

I did my homework as soon as I got in today. I'm sick of rushing around last minute and doing badly as a result. I'm quite proud of myself, I kept telling myself too but I never thought I'd actually stick to it! Haha. Believe me, if you knew me you'd know this is a big thing for me!

Yesterday was my first day back at school, and I know I said I'd have a lot to report, but I really didn't. Nothing interesting happened. Though me and Demi had to take the new year 7's on a tour and show them around, but we kept cutting through empty classrooms when only the teacher was in (because we're in our last year, and we get on with some of them now, so we're allowed) instead of taking them the normal ways. I want to know what's gonna happen when they try doing that by themselves. Oops!

Oh and I have a new form tutor, and a new timetable (yaay XD) but that's about it really :P Haha.

Today was more interesting actually :P I had Drama first, and I love Drama. We found out the first half of our 6 hour workshop is next week on Tuesday, then the second half on Thursday. It's about broken promises, and I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to try harder than I have been recently, 'cos this goes towards my final grade which will help me get into college. I haven't been trying as hard recently because Jamie is in the lesson, and I get all self-concious and I'm afraid of looking a prat.

Talking about him! Today in Science he was in the corner with his mates and one of them (Josh) kept saying 'OMG Jamie stop texting all those lasses!', I know he was joking but he just wouldn't stop. Josh was saying all sorts like 'Eee Beth I've seen those pics you rude girl!' and 'Eee them videos Beth!' and I know Jamie has nothing like that to show them, but that's not what bothered me. I like a good joke as much as the next person, but they take it too far. Shouting things like that (when they aren't even true) will get me a reputation and make people think wrongly about me. And Jamie just sat there and laughed along, sometimes he joined in!

So on the way home I told Josh to fuck off, then he walked into a lampost. It was quite funny :P Karma! Karma I tell you! Anyway.. Jamie texted me saying he's sorry. Don't worry I'm not a pushover, I made sure he worked for my acceptance! :D

Anyway. I shall have to go :)
See yah.
Beth x

Sunday, 6 September 2009

I'm going to Japan, bye!

Not really, not until I'm 18 anyway. Joe (my cousin) and me are going when we're older :) Talking about cousins, Sam (Joes older bro) and Amy (Sams Girlfriend) aren't engaged. Apparently she wants to be but he won't propose, which I think is very 'Awwwww' worthy.

Back to schoolio tomorrow! Final year till college!! Yaay!

Actually, I don't want to leave my comp.. but still, college = Yaay!

I have French homework to do. But I can't be bothered, we get a new timetable.. so yano. I think I've told you this before?


Anyway, I went down this pub thing with my family today, God I love 'em :) Never laughed so much. My Aunt is serriously CRAZY! She said she wants to meet Jamie, I told him, I think it will happen in the next month or so. I'm not worried, but I think he is. My dad doesn't talk to him you see, he refuses too. My mam loves him, but I'm daddys little girl :P

My aunt and uncle and cousins are cool though, they'll get on with him fine :P

I shall have to go. Foods here (we ordered in, last day off and all that jazz), but I'll have plenty to talk about tomoz :) I still need to pack my bag!


Saturday, 5 September 2009

Strange E-mails.

So today, I randomly found an E-mail called 'Jesus Christ is following you on Twitter!'

Well I nearly died.

Then I realised and kinda calmed down a tad. Still giggling though, it's rather humerous.

While talking about Twitter, it's kinda freaky. People I don't know are following me. My life isn't that interesting, I should know. What could possibly posses them to follow me? Stalkers prehaps? I don't know wether to be scared or flattered to be honest.

My brother still doesn't know when he will be going in the Navy, he's still waiting on a phone call.

I go back to school on Monday. New timetables = YAY! I don't know why that excites me... I'm a strange girl. I dunno if I want to go back, or don't. In a way, it'll be nice to see everyone, and the school is like a second home (if I want it to be or not), I spend a lot of time there. But I've just got myself into a routine. Seeing people and stuff. It's hard to manage friends and boyfriends and family. I just got it nailed, but with half a day going to be spent in school, I'm going to have to re-think. Also, do you KNOW how hard it is to find Black Polo Shirts that FIT me around here?! VERY HARD!!

Anyway, yeah. Life's a balancing act I suppose. And I've slipped a few times. Luckily I had a safety net... but it's getting hard to stay up there. And I'm worried next time, my safety net won't be there.

I still have French coursework to do, I'll do that tomorrow though. I've been saying that for ages now, but tomorrow is the last day of the holidays. So I kinda have to. Known my luck, I'll have French first day back or something. Then tomorrow night I have to see Jamie (boyfriend), we had an argument which involved him hanging up on me and we haven't spoke since, and it was something small and stupid. I was wrong, for once XD. I really wanna see my girls tomorrow though. Bloody hell!

I have Family around tonight, which is always fun :) I love my family. I'll get to see my cousin, he's due to start college soon so we need a catch up. And I'll be able to find out if my other cousin (his older bro) really is engaged!

See, it's that balancing act again.

See yah!