Monday 15 March 2010

YouMeAtSix Gig

Ok so long time since I blogged, but I've had literally nothing to blog about! Until now! Muahahahaha!!!

I saw You Me At Six on Saturday! It was AMAZING! I would go on for hours but here are the highlights;
- Wandering around Newcastle with Charlie trying to find StarBucks then getting lost and having to pop in Subway to ask directions. When we finally got there I picked up someone else's order (still tasted nice though) and managed to spill it all down myself. This caused Charlie to spurt hers out laughing all over her arm. Good times :')
- Finding Paige in the que! That's just amazing because I haven't seen her in agesss :D
- Josh pointed at me and laughed, and he smiled at me too. Everyone was like '¬.¬' at me which I found funny.
- During 'Finders Keepers' they were filming for the DVD and I got on Natalie back and was screaming the lyrics whilst doing a <3 with my hands. I'm PRETTY SURE I was filmed, I can't wait to see if I'm on the DVD or not :D
- Me and Natalie went in the Mosh pit and somehow managed to stay together, it was hilarious :')
- Me and Natalie fell over. We had about ten people on top of us and I thought we were going to die but we were fine XD
- Afterwards,we waited behind and, are you ready? WE MET JOSH, MATT AND MAX!! It was awesome! They signed my poster :')

I've probably missed something off, but oh well.

All in all it was a fantastic night and I'd love to re-live it. They're REALLY good live, even though Josh had larangitus (?).

Also, bad day today at school. I'm just sick of people spreading rumours that affect my relationship. I ignore them most of the time because they're not true, but it gets harder each time. And this was worse because EVERYONE was saying it and he wasn't in school to deny it.

Damn them.

Beth xx

Monday 15 February 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy V-Day everyone :) (even though it was yesterday...)

I've been spending a lot of time with Jamie lately, and just haven't been finding the time to blog (or DailyBooth, or Tweet...) but it's cos I've been having a nice time!

We watched 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' the other night and I cried :'( It's so sad! Mind you, it isn't as sad as 'The Notebook' ... My friend Elly and I literally screamed at that.

We also watched 'Pretty Woman' after a lot of begging and pleading... I like that movie, it's so perfect for a girlie sleepover, don't ya think?

Also, went to see 'Avatar' in 3D with Charlie... IT. IS. AMAZING! You should ALL go and see it :D On the way back, I found a mini plough in the sky and named it 'Beth'. Only to get home and find out it already had a name - 'The Seven Sisters'. ¬.¬ Oh well, in my mind, it was ALWAYS be 'Beth' :D <3

All I've spoke about in this blog is movies... oh well, it seems all I'm living on recently is pizza and movies... Oh well, you've gotta love life!

That reminds me! he other night I freaked myself out thinking about death, and I started crying and couldn't sleep... it made me realise just how scared of growing old and dying I am D:

Well, shall have to go; my neck's going in cramp!
Love you!
Beth xx

Friday 5 February 2010

Life atm?

Nothing in my life has really happened since my last post... it's all very very uninteresting to read. But I do love it, it's being nice to me atm :D

I have a college interview on Monday and I need to take along a CV... I have made a boo-boo on my CV, my interview is at 10:30. God, if you can hear me, PLEASE somehow let me reprint it and change it and stuff? I would feel such a prat if they noticed and pointed it out... I'd be like 'uhhh... yeah'.

I saw Avatar too, it's amazing! I loved it, and recommend it to EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!! I might be seeing it in 3D with one of my best friends, I hope I do, it'd be epic.

The other night I went out with my friends and found a huge patch of ice, and started like, gliding around on it cos Converse have like, no grip. Charlie tried, fell over and I thought she'd hit her head, all I did was laugh. It was sososososoooo funny! Muahahaha! I am so evil, she could've been really hurt, and I just laughed :') Charlie, if you're reading this, I love you XD

I have literally nothing to say, I'm only posting this because I haven't posted in ages :/

I hope something interesting happens soon!
Beth xx

Saturday 30 January 2010

You don't half get some retards.


He won't get over his petty dislike for Jamie, it's getting out of order. Jamie came down today and I tried to get him on my internet (we failed.) and dad took a fit about it.

He said 'it only takes him to tell someone and the next thing you know, everyone will be using our internet!'


If it was one of my friends, he wouldn't care, but noooo!

So I yelled 'Jamie isn't like that anyway! If you got over hating him and actually spoke to him you'd know that!' And I stomped upstairs.


Short post, sorry. Will do a longer one soon. Promise.

Beth xx

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Music has got to be the easiest GCSE to pass. EVER.

Music has got to be the easiest GCSE to pass. EVER.

For instance, in one of the exams, you pre-write your answer and you're allowed to take it in to copy it up... In another they always ask basically the same answers, and they've always got the same answer. And some people sit there and still complain about it being hard...

Someone today asked if I could see from under my fringe, and I know it's stupid but it got me paranoid of my hair. It annoys me so much that people like her think they can rule the place and put people down? What makes her so special? To be fair (and I'm not being big-headed), me and my friends are much smarter, talented, and nicer people! And if it comes down to looks then a dog is better looking! I'm just saying!

YM@6 is coming closer, and I'm excited. The new album is sexay, I can't stop listening, it's sooooo good!

Very short post, tres sorry.

Friday 15 January 2010

Today has been an epic day.

I was gonna put 'today has been a good day' but then I noticed that's the last line in the film 'Cloverfield' and almost everyone dies in that film so I changed it.

Anyway, yeah, today has been AWESOME!! AND IT'S NOT EVEN FINISHED YET!!! First of all I got like ten hours sleep last night so I woke up all refreshed and stuff, then I fell over in school which sounds bad but was actually hilarious XD.

Then!!!!! We got our final grades in English and Maths. I got and A and a B!!!! I'm soooo happy, I honestly didn't expect that B in Maths, and I would've cried if I didn't get an A in English. I also got two B's in Science but they aren't final grades.

I am so happy right now!!!! And tonight is Popstar to Opera Star with DANNY FRICKIN JONES FROM MCFLY!! Ahhhh! I'm soo excited! Imma watch it and die and stuff.

But yeah, today has been EPIC!!!



Wednesday 6 January 2010

No School

List of things I want to accomplish this year;
- Pass all my GCSE's - This will be easy, apart from maybe Science and French.

- Get into the college of my choice - Need to, or I will be very upset and dissapointed in myself.

- See loads more amazing bands live - Hopefully includes Blink182 and McFly. I've already got tickets for YouMeAtSix in March :).

- Get a job - This isn't as much something I want, it's more something I need. I am so low on cash right now, it's terrible.

- Somehow, finish the story I'm writing - The first story I think I have any hopes to keeping too as well.

- Get my sleeping regime back into order - Recently been staying up all night and sleeping most of the day. Must stop this!

- Try to become more helpful around the house - This involves keeping my room tidy and helping mum more often.

- Improve and practice my cooking skills - Because I find it fun :) And obv, yummy.

- Blog more - This means finding things to blog about too.

- Actually start YouTube - Been meaning to for ages now.

- Try harder! - In every aspect of life...

:D Night everybody!
Beth xx

Monday 4 January 2010


Went shopping today with Elliot, Emma and Elly. It started out pretty well, I had to buy some new school trousers because we're back on Thursday (pipe has burst - yayy!) and so we went and bought them. I was trying them on and Elliot got kick out the changing rooms, stupid staff.

Anyway, after that we got a few more bits and bobs. Eventually, we ended up in starbucks where the most rebellious thing I have ever took part in in my life happened.

I stole a starbucks mug.

Oh yes. Well, actually, Elliot did because I didn't dare and then gave me it. Hey, I paid £3.30 for that coffee! I deserved the flipping mug! I was just sat giggling to myself... I'd be the worst burglar/robber ever... just giggling around the shop... haha. So then when we were outside I went really hyper (note by this time I'd had a whole Venti mug of coffee - the biggest possible).

So I can't exactly remembered where we went after that, but we eventually went into waterstones (a book store) and I bought the most awesome book ever called 'cringe'. It's full of diary entries and shizz from teenagers. It's hilarious. I'll give you and example; 'By the way, Lucy is a bigger slag that I am. She got 17 votes for slag of the year. I only got 16.' - hahahahaha.

I saw a McFly calender for 2010 as well. It's uber sexy. I'm saving for it XD

Anyway... on the train home we were waiting at the train station, and Elly and Emma heard these Arab guys (I'm not a racist btw, I dunno what the politically correct term is...) were saying stuff like 'It's gonna go BOOM!!' and 'Don't touch my backpack'

Of course Elly decided to tell us. Then they got on our train. One in each carriage. I was crapping my pants. They were saying stuff like 'From ashes to ashes! If I can't go with the angels I'll go with the devils!'. Then they started shouting in a foreign language. I grabbed Elly's hand and started praying. I was so scared. It didn't help that Lauren, Aysha, Michael and Danny were all saying stuff like 'You'll die first Beth, you're closest'

However, they left the train but Michael kept saying they'd left a bag behind... of course it was empty.

I got home about an hour ago and couldn't stop shaking for about 45 minutes. It was awful...

How could people be so mean? I mean, PRETENDING TO BLOW UP A TRAIN?! That's going too far! Ugh, what pratts!

So yeah, I'm avoiding trains at all costs now.

That was the story of my eventful day.

Beth xx

Saturday 2 January 2010

Welcome 2010!

This is a bit late, I could lie and say ive been busy, but I haven't... I'm just lazy XD

Sooooooo, it's officially 2010 and we've left the noughties. Goodbye 2009. In a way, it was an amazing year, I found my real friends, I got Jamie, I got a laptop (XD) and I started year 11, I saw All Time Low, got tickets for YouMeAtSix. I got to see some of my best friends accomplish dreams. Yes, '09 treat me very fairly.

Obv some bad things happened, like death and shizz, but it was deffo a good year. And I'm sad to see it go... I'm closer to leaving school (which I don't wanna do) and I'm getting older (I'd love to stay this age forever tbh).

However, I'm looking forward to a fresh start. BRING IT ON!! :D

Tonight, my friends and I went out in the snow, Elly, Emma and I found and IGLOO! Someone had built it, and I got in, they Elly tryed but couldn't get her bum through the door XD so we were all bad laughing. Then Emma got in, and it was rather hard to get back out cos we were crammed in (it was really only big enough for one, and there was two of us). After that we had some more snow fun. One of the best nights in a loooong time :') I love you guys.

I was talking to Elly on MSN, and I realised how frikkin funny those convos are. MSN rarely makes me laugh in real life, but tonight I couldn't stop :'). Must be Elly, she's awesome.

I downloaded Ke$ha's album 'Animal' tonight too, and I think she's my guilty pleasure - not something I'd normally listen to (though she is a BIT like 3OH!3). But anyway, yeah, it's cool :)

My necks aching typing this, I better stop. Plus I've no idea what to say...

Bye bye interwebz! :D
Beth xx