Friday, 5 February 2010

Life atm?

Nothing in my life has really happened since my last post... it's all very very uninteresting to read. But I do love it, it's being nice to me atm :D

I have a college interview on Monday and I need to take along a CV... I have made a boo-boo on my CV, my interview is at 10:30. God, if you can hear me, PLEASE somehow let me reprint it and change it and stuff? I would feel such a prat if they noticed and pointed it out... I'd be like 'uhhh... yeah'.

I saw Avatar too, it's amazing! I loved it, and recommend it to EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!! I might be seeing it in 3D with one of my best friends, I hope I do, it'd be epic.

The other night I went out with my friends and found a huge patch of ice, and started like, gliding around on it cos Converse have like, no grip. Charlie tried, fell over and I thought she'd hit her head, all I did was laugh. It was sososososoooo funny! Muahahaha! I am so evil, she could've been really hurt, and I just laughed :') Charlie, if you're reading this, I love you XD

I have literally nothing to say, I'm only posting this because I haven't posted in ages :/

I hope something interesting happens soon!
Beth xx

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