Friday, 23 October 2009

Where AM I?

Where am I? What is this place?

Oh wait a minute! I know EXACTLY where I am.. it's my neglected blog!

Sorry :P


Jamies mam hates me, she called me arrogant and I got insanely mad. This of course made me and Jamie fall out and we broke up. We're trying to just be friends. To be honest, it's hard. He wont stop going on about how much he misses me :/

I'm going shopping tomorrow with him, so we'll see but tbh, I think we may just stay friends :/

Facebook has changed.. Grr I'm not happy >:(

So, I've got a school overload.. but now I'm off for a week I have free time to get on top of it :)
I have French and English to do, I also have maths revision to work through and science, because my exams are coming up. But it will pay off, because by january we will have at least 3 GCSE's! Woohooo! :D

I've decided what I wanna do when I'm older and what I'm gonna take at college too :) I wanna be a drama teacher in a secondary school or a college. I'm gonna take English Lang, English Lit and Drama & Theatre Studies at college, then at Uni I'll probs do the same and a teachers degree :D

Right, thats it for now!
Au reviour! :D
Beth xx

Saturday, 17 October 2009


So, buying Jamies 16th Bday present was easier than I thought it would be. I got him an Xbox360 game he'd been banging on about for ages (Need For Speed: Shift), a card with stars and stuff on, cos he likes stars and stuff, a photo frame (soon to have a pic of us in muahaha) and a 16th birthday badge. So yeah, it's all goood :)

I was a bit bummed cos I wanted to get him a HUGGGEEE card but they were all either 'girlfriend' ones or 'fiance' ones.. booo!

It also kinda suprised me that it took longer to decide on a card than a present =/

And now dad says I've spent too much of thier money and 'it isn't happening again!'.. too bad they don't know it's Charlie's Bday soon! Hahahahaha!

I feel rather sophisticated atm, I have a new jumper on (blue and grey and UBER nice!), a white shirt, skinnies and my ugg slippers.. and my hair is straightened. For some reason I feel american? Lolol

Today it felt like xmas A LOT! I was like 'Mmm christmassy!'. Christmas has GOT to be one of my fave times of the year.. not because of the presents (but they do help!) but because we get the family down and it's nice. My FAVE festivity (even though it kinda isn't) is Bonfire Night!! PRETTY FIREWORKSS!!

Anyway, I'm off

Tralalalalaaaa Byee!
Beth x

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Swine Flu Rears Its Ugly Head

Jamie might have Swine Flu.
Great huh?

So if in 28 days I'm possibly dead, you know who not to invite to my funeral!

Only kidding, please do invite him to my funeral.. hey, what twerp put the word 'fun' in funeral??

I did my Solo in music today and got an A* (28 out of 30). Im quite quite chuffed! Only thing is, the teachers kinda scared me into doing the school show. Basically they were telling each other how amazing I am (LOL!) and then went 'You will be in the show!' and it kinda shocked me, so I said 'Okay' in this squeeky voice.


I also have to do a new ensemble, because 'I'm capable of much much more!'

Ugh facebook has crashed on me. DAMN YOU BOOKFACE!!

Recently I fell out with a friend, but tonight I kinda realised that after what she's been through she doesn't need it atm (LOOOOONG story, and not one I'm gonna post on the net! Lololol) so yeah.. :P

Life is Goooood :D

Beth xx

Thursday, 8 October 2009


So tomorrow I'm going on a residential with school and this will probs be my last blog till I get back on Sunday.. not that anyone cares..

It sounds really fun, but also really cold and muddy :P We're only going for two days but my suitcase looks more like for two weeks! I took the same one when I wne to Majorca for a week with my family, and it's about the same as then! Just cos I need loads of stuff and mam wouldn't sleep properly unless I had everything on the checklist ticked off.

Jamie isn't going, but maybe that's a good thing. We've recently been arguing a lot (both our faults!) and a weekend away with my friends is just what I need :)

Recently, in Science I feel I'm actually LEARNING things. And English - Poetry. I did some poetry h/w tonight and I'm actually quite proud! I'm a tad worried about Maths, though I'm sure I'll pull through in time for the exam. Speaking of, I still haven't told mam and dad I gotta D XD Hopefully, they'll never knoww!

Lalala. Recently been listening to Paolo Nutini - il est tres bonne! J'ai recommende! (I guessed recommend there, Charlie will know it).

Talking of french, we're starting our 2nd coursework, and it seems easier than the last one, because all our vocab is general, but last time we had to find it ourselves because we all did pretty much diff things.

Anyway, shall have to go! :D
Seeeee youuuuu

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Dear Body

Dear Body,
I suppose I should start with an apology.. I'm sorry for all the times I've mistreated you. And I'm sorry if I've even insulted you when I looked in the mirror and sighed. I didn't mean too.

To my feet. Well, you're okay I suppose. You get me from place to place, but you do moan a bit. Toughen up you guys! I have plenty more walking left in me, and you two whining and aching aren't doing me any favours now, is it?

To my legs. Do you really have to be so WHITE?! It's okay in England.. because you never come out your Skinny jeans in public. But on holiday? Ugh.. what with the sun blaring down and lots of tanned bodies about the place, you two look like peices of chalk sticking out of my hips! It wouldn't be so bad if you tanned, but you don't. You simply turn a lobster red! Ahh god love you, you do do a quite good job.. and you're okay-ish at long distance running I suppose. So thanks all the same :)

To my hips. Ahh, what can I say to you guys? Apart from a minor slip up with your injury a few years back, you've been pretty good! I'm sorry however, that you are attached to my bottom. I don't suppose there's always a nice smell down there :/ Thank you for putting up with that :) Keep it up!

To my belly. Ahh.. I wish you'd make up your mind. One minute you're perfectly fine, the next.. not so much. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change you for the world! But could ya please tone up a tad? Pleaaase?? Then I PROMISE I'll stop with the complaining. I'm sorry I fill you full of junk too, and wayy too much coke.

To my *cough*boobs*cough*. Thanks for being nice. Nuff' said 'bout that thank you very much!

To my arms. You are very weak XD but it's okay. I love your freckles, and your quite a nice colour too (pay attention legs!). Thank you very much!

To my hands. Thanks for putting up with all my excessive typing on FaceBook, MSN and other online thingies. And my excessive doodling. Thank you for getting me through the days. I couldn't really do half the stuff I do without you guys. You're awesome! Very well done! :)

To my back. Scars, scars and more scars. I'm not saying it's your fault! Mine, and my immune system. I was four, and I didnit like my chicken pox. Can you forgive me? Other than that, your okay. I love your colour :)

To my face. A tad spotty, but again, my fault with the junk food. Hmm.. you could be a bit better. But you're average, and what more could I ask for? Thanks for always trying your best!

To my lips. Haha.. how could I possibly EVER get by without you guys?! THANK YOU FOR BEING A PART OF MY LIFE!! Thank's for all the smiles and laughs. Without you, I wouldn't be able to talk, sing or joke - my three fave things. You guys are so special :) Thank you. I love you.

To my eyes. Thanks for being different colours, a bit of originality goes a long way afterall! :) Even if you do have to be close to see the colour change XD thank you for providing me with a colourful life, and giving me my best memories ever, I love you guys too.

To my teeth. I used to think you were quite white, but you're average, and your shape? Hmm.. I don't like it. Can't you be straight like my lower ones and not be in a V at the front? Oh well. Thanks for helping me eat! :)

To my hair. I'm sorry for always cutting you, you must be getting slightly confused. But just so ya know, old fringe, long hair. Should stay like that for a while :) Thank you for being a nice and kinda original colour :) I do love you really.

And to my heart, brain and soul. Thank you for making me who I am today. Thank you for helping me learn in life. Thank you for sharing with me emotions, like love and happyness. Thank you for helping me make amazing friend. Thank you for being you, which makes ME.

Dear body, I love you.