Saturday, 21 November 2009

Bad week.

Jamie broke up with me.. =/ yeah.. so.. yeah.

Don't really wanna type about it tbh.

Saw New Moon yesterday, t'was awesome. Everyone screamed when it started, which was funny for a while but then they wouldn't shut up.. I was like 'well watch the film then!' The freaks. They get that excited then they scream... what tools.

Urmmm I had a couple science exams. Which I was late to! I missed the speach my teacher always does at the start (I can probs predict it by now tbh ¬.¬) and everyone was just about to put their heads down to start and in walks me. I dread to think how red I must've been. Then I couldn't find my seat... which was right at the front D:

My foots going into cramp. Better move it.

Much better.

I think the sooner I stop crying myself to sleep the sooner I'll get over him? But I'm not sure.. sometimes I can't really help it =/ We'll see.

I hope he comes crawling back.. so I can reject him. It will hurt.. but it shall sort of be worth it.

I've been praying recently? I have no idea why. I've always believed in God and stuff, but I've never prayed every night before =/ I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's kinda nice to have someone to talk to that won't judge you or whatever.

I'm really rather tired. It's almost xmas! Woohoo!!! :D I love christmas. It's awesome, lolol.

YMA6 tickets have arrivveeeddd!!! YAAAYYY!! :D

I fell asleep last night thinking of Harry Potter :)

See yas!
Beth xx

1 comment:

  1. you'll be better soon beth trust me we're all here for you n love you to bits lol
    btw sometimes you feel better by writing it down n typing about shit it gets it all out but thats just me
    Lots of love
